21 Day Time to Start - $197

Personal Training

Conveniently located near Joyner, Your Striders PT is your partner in achieving your dream transformation. Join us and enjoy the journey to a healthier, happier you.

Book your free consultation
Our Nearest Studio

Joyner Personal Trainers

Striders Personal Training Lawnton

3/25 Paisley Drive, Lawnton QLD 4501
Open Hours:
  • Monday - Friday:
  • Saturday:
  • Sunday:
Women and her Trainer doing a thumbs up after her Body scan results.

Personal Training

At Striders, the supportive and welcoming atmosphere is a key aspect of our PT sessions. Joyner locals can feel comfortable working with a Trainer who cares about their goals and knows how to help them overcome any obstacles. Our training and nutrition methods are based on science and have been proven to produce effective and sustainable results.

Personal Training

Group Training

We offer private and personalized Group Classes for Joyner residents and those in the surrounding area. Our Group Sessions provide a great opportunity to work out with like-minded individuals and draw motivation from their energy. It's time to get your heart rate up and start seeing the results you want!

Our Group Training
Expert PT in a Brisbane Personal Training Gym

Boost Training

Joyner locals can access gym-style training at our Studio, which is exclusively for Personal Training members. The studio is fully equipped and provides a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space for workouts. With the freedom to be yourself and less time waiting for equipment, our Boost Training option is a win-win for all..

Gym Access

Success Stories

Check out the transformations of people just like you. Over the years we’ve seen countless people change their lives forever in so many ways! Will you be our next success story?

Success Stories

Jon Connell

25kgs Lost

"I’m not sure where I’d be today without Striders, but I know where I am with them…much fitter, much healthier and my family life and work life are much better for the increased energy and vitality I have."

Read my story