21 Day Time to Start - $197

Lynne Sait

15kg down, now enjoying working out and looking forward to her new future.

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Male Striders Personal Trainer with a smiling female client

Studio: Petrie | Trainer: Kaitlyn Connell

You’re never too old to start!…

Before coming to us, Lynne thought getting fit and healthy is something that only younger people could achieve.

“At almost 60 I thought my days of getting fit were over until a friend told me about Striders! Striders has changed his life, and watching his 20kg weight loss transformation I thought I would try it for myself. Walking in on that first day to say I was petrified would be putting it mildly but chatting to Bernie I felt like I had come home! That feeling is still with me every time I walk in the door. I see Kaitlyn twice a week for PT and love every minute of it.”*

It’s what I’ve been looking for

“The way Striders encourage, support, listen, suggest options and look at complete health, not just weight is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks to Striders I’ve now lost 15kg and I’m looking forward to many more sessions with them.”*



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  • Nadine Stansfield

    "Down 16kg, IT WORKS! I feel and look so much better and my eating has been turned around."

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