21 Day Time to Start - $197

Anthony Baguley

30kg down, looking forward to the new future and excited to see what is possible.

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Male Striders Personal Trainer with a smiling female client

Studio: Petrie | Trainer: Bryce Dolezal

Something had to change

Before he came to Striders, Anthony was struggling with a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits and inactivity. His poor choices had lead to morbid obesity, a lack of confidence, constant social rejection and a burden of worry for his family.

“I walked past the Striders studio many times, I was overcome with fear, I thought I wouldn’t fit in, I couldn’t exercise, and my preconceived ideas of personal training were that it was all about intimidation, yelling and getting in trouble if you had difficulties in doing what the trainers told you to do.”*

But, one day, Anthony built up the courage to walk in our door, and that was the best decision he ever made.

“I was greeted with a smile, the trainer genuinely wanted to help me to achieve my weight loss goals, and I felt that it was doable!”*

My only regret is not finding striders sooner

“I remember insisting that I would only do one PT session a fortnight, and no classes. How quickly this changed! Now, I can’t get enough. It’s a positive, motivating and encouraging environment and every single Striders trainer has had an everlasting impact on my life. Not only have Striders helped me to lose weight, but they have also helped transform my entire life.

Thanks to Striders, I have lost a staggering 30 kg, and I can actually look forward to my future and am truly excited about what is possible.”*



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  • Jon Connell

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