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Why Choose Personal Training?

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Why should you choose personal training? Ah, the age old question. A question that is quite easily answered in our minds, as we know all the ins and outs of the fitness industry like the back of our hands.

However, we understand it might not be so simple for people who are new to fitness and considering their options. Which is why we’ve created an infographic to help!

why choose personal training infographic V1

Here’s why you should choose personal training:

1. To give you the one-on-one help you need

One-on-one teaching is the best way to learn, in any aspect of life. There’s no fighting for the attention of the trainer, no comparing yourself to the person next to you, and more focusing on your goals!

2. To set realistic goals

Many people think diving in head-first is the best way to approach a new fitness regime, however this is not the case. A personal trainer will set realistic, achievable goals for you to work towards, that will be far more beneficial in the long run. They will be tailored to your individual needs and perfect for motivating you when the tough gets going!

3. To help tailor the best workout regime for your individual needs

Your workout routine needs to be tailored to suit your individual needs, taking into consideration your strengths and weaknesses, and factoring in any health issues or concerns. A professional trainer is the right person for this job!

4. To help you build good habits

Ridding yourself of bad habits and establishing good ones is not an easy job. A personal trainer can help you through this process. They will identify bad habits that you might not even realise you have and put you back on track to your positive lifestyle.

5. To help you get your form right

There’s nothing worse than injuring yourself when doing a certain exercise the wrong way. A personal trainer will make sure your body doesn’t twist in any way it shouldn’t, and stop you from causing damage to any muscles or joints.

6. To motivate you

All aboard, motivation station! A personal trainer will encourage and inspire you to workout even when you’re feeling lazy and tired. At Striders, our clients are more like our friends and family. We truly care about your health and wellbeing, so we’ll always be available whenever you need a pep talk or a total life transformation.

7. To provide support every step of the way

Not only will we motivate you, but we’ll also support you; both physically and mentally. Feel like giving up? Your personal trainer will remind you why you began, and why you so badly want to continue. They’ll reassure you that the results will be worth the effort.

Whether you’re looking for help in getting your fitness goals back on track, advice on the best workouts for your body, or want to completely turn your life around, we can help. Give us a call or come in and talk to our friendly staff today!

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