21 Day Time to Start - $197

Katrina Baxter

20kg down, achieved her weight goal for the first time and kept it off.

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Male Striders Personal Trainer with a smiling female client

Studio: Petrie | Trainer: Zachary Dolezal

A lifestyle change

For most of her life, Katrina struggled with her weight. She had joined gyms before, but never had the motivation or support to stick with it. She even tried fad diets, but kept putting the weight back on. No matter what she did, she just couldn’t seem to find a way to break out of her vicious ‘seesawing’ cycle.

“I have always struggled with seesawing weight. In the past, I have joined gyms, but lacked the motivation to go and I’ve tried many fad diets but have always put the weight back on. This is a vicious cycle that I have battled with for most of my life, until I was introduced to Striders.”*

It’s no longer a hobby but a lifestyle change.

“I joined Striders a little over two years ago, and my life has never been the same. With the help of their friendly and supportive personal trainers I have shed a huge 20 kg, achieved my weight goal and for the first time in my life, I have kept it off!

Striders has become a second home. It’s no longer a hobby but a lifestyle change. If I miss a day at striders, I feel like the day has been wasted.”*



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  • Bob Scheuber

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